› Synthetic Biology for a sustainable carbon cycle - Denis POMPON, Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Biologiques et des Procédés
13:00-13:45 (45min)
Ingénierie des réseaux biologiques et de leur régulation
Matthieu Jules
› Keynote: An integrated workflow for synthetic biology: from parts to systems and the evolution of new function - Geoffrey BALDWIN, Centre for Synthetic Biology & Innovation, Imperial College London
13:45-14:25 (40min)
› A synthetic growth switch and its biotechnological applications - Johannes Geiselmann, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique
14:25-14:45 (20min)
› An open access part toolbox to tune genetic expression in Bacillus subtilis. - Sarah Guiziou, Centre de Biochimie Structurale
14:45-15:05 (20min)
› Engineering Autonomous Recombinase Switches - Olivier Borkowski, Imperial College of London
15:05-15:25 (20min)
› Keynote: Laboratory domestication of Escherichia coli - Gyorgy POSFAI, Inst. of Biochemistry, Biological Research Centre, Szeged, HU
16:00-16:40 (40min)
› Reducing the Bacillus subtilis genome. - Etienne Dervyn, MICrobiologie de l'ALImentation au Service de la Santé humaine
16:40-17:05 (25min)
› Using CRISPR/Cas9 tools for the engineering of bacterial genome cloned in yeast - Iason TSARMPOPOULOS, INRA, UMR 1332 BFP, Université de Bordeaux, UMR1332 BFP
17:05-17:30 (25min)
› Keynote: High-level production of synthetic proteins containing non-canonical amino acids - Birgit Wiltschi, Junior Group Synthetic Biology, ACIB, Graz, Austria
08:30-09:10 (40min)
› Optimization of the lipase B from Candida antarctica for the specificity and selectivity of a transesterification reaction - Cécile Persillon, PROTEUS
09:10-09:35 (25min)
› Random library-based engineering of proteins for increased yield and solubility - Darren Hart, Unit of Virus Host Cell Interactions
09:35-10:00 (25min)
› The Weizmann process revisited for the continuous production of fuels and chemicals - Philppe Soucaille, Université de Toulouse, INSA
10:45-11:10 (25min)
› A novel synthetic pathway for the production of C2 compounds from xylose - Yvan Cam, Toulouse White Biotechnology, Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Biologiques et des Procédés
11:10-11:30 (20min)
› Engineering of an artificial repeat protein (αRep) to design a new generation of hydrid biocatalysts - Thibault Di Méo, Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule, UMR 9198, Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay, UMR 8182 CNRS
11:30-11:50 (20min)
› Engineering methylotrophy into Escherichia coli - Stephanie Heux, Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Biologiques et des Procédés
11:50-12:10 (20min)
Nanotechnologies et automatisation pour la Biologie de synthèse
Jérome Bibette & Jean-Loup Faulon
› Keynote: Gaining control of free energy dynamics for synthetic biology applications - Teuta PILIZOTA, Centre for Synthetic and Systems Biology, U. Edinburgh, UK
13:45-14:25 (40min)
› Advances in computer design and automatic implementation of novel metabolic pathways for natural and non-natural molecules - Cyrille Pauthenier, Institute of Systems and Synthetic Biology, Abolis Biotechnologies
14:25-14:50 (25min)
› Nanoparticle-based synthetic translational control in cell-free systems - Shunnichi Kashida, Ecole Normale Supérieure
14:50-15:15 (25min)
Développement d'outils/méthodologie pour la biologie de synthèse
Franck Molina
› Keynote: Optical control of protein nuclear trafficking in living cells - Barbara Di VENTURA, Bioquant, U. of Heidelberg
16:00-16:40 (40min)
› Switchable regulatory elements for modulating gene expression - Guillaume Durand, ARN : régulations naturelle et artificielle
16:40-17:05 (25min)
› A novel metabolic network representation for the discovery of conserved modules of chemical transformations - Maria Sorokina, Génomique métabolique
17:05-17:30 (25min)
› Keynote: Stochasticity and homeostasis of metabolism in single cells - Sander TANS, FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Amsterdam
08:30-09:10 (40min)
› Changing the diet of Bacillus subtilis: a phenomenological model of single cell adaptation. - Joachim Rambeau, Dynamique des Interactions Membranaires Normales et Pathologiques
09:10-09:35 (25min)
› A new approach to unravel metabolic regulations. Application to microalgae growth and lipid production under day/night cycles and nitrogen starvation. - Caroline Baroukh, Centre for Process Systems Engineering [London], Equipe BIOCORE, Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l'Environnement
09:35-10:00 (25min)
Conception assistée par ordinateur pour la biologie de synthèse
Pablo Carbonell
› Keynote: Automated engineering of RNA-based signal transduction in living cells - Alfonso JARAMILLO, iSSB, CNRS, EVRY & U.Warwick
14:30-15:10 (40min)
› Reuse of microelectronics software for gene regulatory networks design automation - Morgan Madec, Laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur, de l'informatique et de l'imagerie - Elise Rosati, Laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur, de l'informatique et de l'imagerie
15:10-15:35 (25min)
Conception assistée par ordinateur pour la biologie de synthèse - 2
Pablo Carbonell
› Expanding biosensing abilities through computer-assisted design of metabolic pathways - vincent libis, Institut de biologie systémique et synthétique
16:15-16:40 (25min)
› A Nature-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm for the Design and Optimization of Gene Regulotary Networks - Elise Rosati, Laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur, de l'informatique et de l'imagerie
16:40-17:05 (25min)
› Location matters: Defining the impact that chromosomal context has on regulated gene expression in E. coli. - brian jester, Institut de biologie systémique et synthétique
17:05-17:30 (25min)
› Keynote: Development of a renewable jet fuel: bringing farnesane up in the air - Olivier ROLLAND, TOTAL New Energies, Emeryville CA
09:00-09:40 (40min)
› Meeting the challenges of industrial biotechnology in the age of synthetic biology - Michael O'Donohue, Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Biologiques et des Procédés
09:40-10:05 (25min)
› Keynote: How to address ethical and societal issues raised by synthetic biology? - Bernadette BENSAUDE VINCENT replaced by V. GREGOIRE DELORY
10:45-11:25 (40min)
› Responsibility of non-individuals with slippery identity - Alexei Grinbaum, Laboratoire des Recherches sur les Sciences de la Matière
11:25-11:50 (25min)
› A quelle vulnérabilité la biologie de synthèse nous renvoie ? - Béatrice De Montera, Laboratoire de Biologie Générale, Laboratoire de Reproduction et Développement Comparé ; GEEST
11:50-12:15 (25min)