Presentation of the GDR Biosynsys

The GDR BioSynSys has been launched by two laboratories - iSSB in Evry and LISBP in Toulouse - to group together the French strengths in Synthetic and Systems Biology (SSB) and provide the tools to build a visible, structured community.

About 300 people have registered to date to the GDR, associating 40 academic institutions and 7 biotech companies.

GDR BioSynSys missions:

  • Make visible at the international level, a French scientific community, both academic and industrial, around the SSB.
  • Increase the French presence in European and world research programs (ERA-SYNBIO, Horizon 2020, ...)
  • Provide scientific animation of the French BSS community: annual workshops, missions of researchers and students between laboratories, privileged collaborations at the French level
  • Rapidly disseminate scientific and technical information
  • Facilitate the access to common heavy tools and materials through technology platforms
  • Facilitate the training of students and postdocs
  • Promote and improve the cooperations and exchanges between academic and industrial partners: to facilitate the transfer of technology, on models of TWB and Genopole 



GDR directors 

Gilles TRUAN (CNRS, LISBP, Toulouse)

Jean-Loup FAULON (iSSB, Evry)

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